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Monday, August 21, 2006

Schools in again

Ladies and gentlemen...today is my first day back to school this semester so I thought I'd post a blog about conning money out of your school. This con isn't easy and actually requires some planning, but if school comes natural to ya then it should all work out.

Ok, first get scholarships...I got a few good ones and my 6k tuition was successfully dropped down to $48...This is good, the less you have to pay the better. Secondly you have to be well versed in one specific topic that is pretty unique to your area, Like speaking Japanese in the middle of bum fuck nowhere WV. This means you can help teach a class...Being TA or teachers aide will have your tuition covered. Since this is kinda an unofficial position, then your tuition being waved doesn't come into play till about a month into school. This means all the money that was put into your tuition already, including scholarships, gets kicked out into however you paid your tuition, IE cash, credit, or check...

instant cash...


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Net Neutrality

Ok, for those who are interested in politics as well as computers an idea has come to pass as of late...that idea? Net Neutrality.

This is a very important matter and depending on how this plays out could shape the future of the technological market. Recently this bill failed because of HORs, I mean the House of Reps of course. Big companies are trying to kill this bill because they want to restrict your access as well as charge you more for information that you already get for free. When I heard of all this going down I wrote my representative a mean letter...I hope you do too, if they voted against that is.

I know, you're thinking, how would this be a bother to me, well it would be a bother to everyone. Having to engage in a "Pay to Play" internet idealism would be shattering to the schools and households of the country. There are a few websites to look up info on Net Neutrality such as Save the Internet and We Are The Web. Please, don't take this for granted and don't just take my word for it.

Do some research and check on it for yourself. Wiki or just google it.

Thank You

Monday, August 07, 2006

Genuine Interest or Complete Assholery?

Ok, this is just something I'm gonna talk about. No real hacking tips or anything but you do get to see a rant. A while ago I posted a blog entitled "The creation of a hack" Afterwhich was followed by a slew of emails all pertaining to hacking "Kal Online". It has really gotten quite sad really. The first 2-3 people who asked about it showed genuine interest in acquiring knowledge that would lead them to further intellectual thought. Not so much for the recent ones.

The first ones asked how I went about each process, which I was fine explaining as within the limits of the law that I could get away with.


the above email address sent me a message entitled "hacking..."
I opened it hoping for something good like how to hack your sleep cycle or how to con money out of your school or something, but no. The entirity of the email read "how would i go about creating a hack for oh say kalonline?" this made me very sad. Here we obviously have a kid, probably age 12-14...most likely a boy who is stupid as hell and only want to be an annoyance to others within the game. I know, I was one once.

Basically this is a script kiddy. Sad but true. If you genuinely want knowledge out of me I'm always more than happy to share it, but you're gonna have to work hard to get it all done. I wouldn't want anyone to spam this poor kid who can be found at taod_craockers@hotmail.com


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Quick Mart

Ok, a lot's been happening as of late with me so I haven't had time to think about a post, sorry about that. School's about to start up again soon, but I figure the next post'll be a good way to con money out of your University.

Like I am doing!


p.s. HAHA Castro's fucked.